
Welcome to the ISE Learning Commons!


Learning Commons is a place with students talking, reading, and learning, searching for information on a variety of devices, focusing on content creation and synthesizing of information; a place for teachers to collaborate, to build inquiry learning and critical thinking skills in students; a place for technology integration and experimentation; a place that is ‘owned’ by students and staff alike. (Kelly Reierson and Lissa Davies).

A Learning Commons approach takes the school library into the 21st century. Don’t worry, our students are still reading, we have one of the biggest English language collections for young readers in Tallinn, and there is still a librarian and a thorough information studies and reading programs. Be happy, there is a bustle and activity. The ISE Learning Common is the hub and the heart of the school. ISE Learning Commons include the library and research area, computer café, technology-robotics, art and design room, and a lounge area for various kinds of individual or collaborative, creative and learning activities.

International School of Estonia