
ISE is owned by Mittetulundusuhing International Educational Association of Estonia (MTÜ IEAE), a voluntary, non-profit Association of the families of students attending ISE. Each family is represented by one vote in the Association. MTÜ IEAE is directed by a Board of Governors elected by members of the Association.

According to the Articles of Association, there must be 5-9 members on the Board of Governors, of which the parents must elect the majority. Currently there are seven members of the Board, including the Director, one faculty representative and one permanent representative from the US Embassy.  The Board meets monthly and all meetings (except for Executive Sessions) are open to the general membership.

Election of Board members is conducted in accordance with the dictates of the Articles of Association and The Private School Act of Estonia. In general, this provides for the school parents to elect the Board members at the Annual General Meeting. The faculty representative to the Board is elected by the faculty. One Board member is appointed by the United States Ambassador to Estonia under the conditions of the annual grant from the US Department of State.


The focus of the ISE Board of Governors is long-term and strategic. The primary roles of the Board can be found in the ISE Policy Manual, and include:

  • establishing and promoting the Mission and Vision of the school
  • hiring and supervising the Director of the school
  • overseeing the financial well-being of the school
  • establishing school policies
  • recruit/orient new Board members
  • forming the Strategic Plan


The administration of the school and its day-to-day operations are entrusted to the Director.

ISE Organizational Chart.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) brings together all the members of the Association and is held every fall, around the end of November. Notification of the AGM is sent to all members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. Members of the Association may attend in person or may be represented by proxy.

The AGM includes the presentation of the Annual Report of the school, approval of the audit of the school, confirmation of newly elected Board Members and amendments to the Articles of Association.


Bylaws of International School of Estonia and Articles of Association of MTÜ IEAE.
Please find here the articles of association of MTÜ IEAE in English and in Estonian.
Please find here the bylaws of International Preschool of Estonia in English and in Estonian.
Please find here the bylaws of International school of Estonia in English and in Estonian.

International School of Estonia